Fields & Facilities

In economically disadvantaged communities, especially in urban areas, there are not enough spaces to practise sport. Adding to the issue of limited resources is the fact that the pitches and courts that do exist are often overused in high-density areas.

There is typically a hierarchy for access to sports spaces, and girls’ teams are often at the bottom. Programme partners report girls’ football events being cancelled without notice to accommodate boys and men who show up to play casual games on the pitches.

In some cultures or conflict regions, it may be inappropriate or too dangerous for girls to play outside, therefore confining them to an even smaller pool of indoor spaces.

Our recommendations

In the infographic below you can see some recommendations for dealing with this barrier. You can adopt these to suit your context. You can also download the infographic to use offline.

Case Study

You can see a case study of how other organisations have addressed this barrier by clicking the accordion menu below.

love.fĂştbol partners with and mobilises vulnerable communities worldwide to create, reclaim, and redefine sports spaces as inclusive centres of community and lasting platforms for social growth.

love.fĂştbol specialises in partnering with underserved communities to plan, build, activate, and sustain their own recreational spaces, and as a result, strengthen their communities. Rather than an end product, their projects are a process where in-depth community engagement and a critical focus on sustainability are interdependent and integral to the entire project.