Programme Design

Effective programme design can help you to ensure that you create a safe, inclusive, and engaging programme for your participants and the surrounding community. To help you explore this section, we’ve divided it into several pieces.

When the following sections are combined, they create a holistic view of your sports programme and the people you engage with. These sections include tools, case studies, and other helpful resources to guide you along the process of programme design. You do not have to look at all areas or cover the content in sequence. If you’re looking for information on something particular about programme design, browse around based on what your specific needs and interests are.

Naz Foundation India Trust, India

What are the elements of Programme Design?

Here you can explore the considerations behind choosing and structuring the sport and curriculum of your programming.

This section provides some guidance on how to get girls involved and stay engaged in sport.

Explore tools and ideas to help recruit and retain coaches so that they can continue to support girls in your programme.

Learn about how to engage the surrounding community in and with your sports programme so that it can gain broad support.

This section guides you through the what, why, and how of measuring the impact or your sports programmes in order to assess what it does well and where it can improve.

This section will explain the importance of safeguarding in designing sport programmes for girls and provide practical tools and guidance on implementing safe programming.