Safeguarding Policies and Procedures

Part of creating a safe space means developing clear guidelines for all staff, as well as participants. Creating and encorcing safeguarding pocliies and procedures are crucial steps to making sure that your organisation has the proper practices in place to ensure the safety and well-being of your participants, partners, staff and any other individuals involved in your programming, particularly vulnerable groups such as children and girls.

Soccer Without Borders, USA

Here are our safeguarding policies that you can use

Child Protection Policy: this policy outlines your organisation’s commitment to safeguard children from harm and makes clear to all what is required in relation to the protection of children.

Safeguarding Officer: this document details the role of the safeguarding officer to be person in charge of upholding the organisation’s safeguarding policy, procedures, and processes.

Code of Conduct: Any girls’ sport programme that truly takes into consideration the emotional and physical safety of its participants must create and implement a code of conduct that guides the behaviours, processes and procedures that ensure girls are protected.

Reporting & Response Processes: this document explains the required steps and procedures of reporting any safeguarding violations and the necessary follow up your organisation must take.

Training Staff & Coaches: this document explains the importance of safeguarding training for your staff and coaches and how to go about it.

Integrating girls’ voices: this document explains why girls voices have to be integrated in order for safe spaces to be created. It then details ways that you and the coach can go about this to ensure that everyone feels heard and seen.